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Meeting Schedule Week of 08/15/2005


MON     AUG 15  Board of Trustees of the City Employees’        6:30 PM  
   Retirement Fund                                         Council Chambers

City Council & WPC Authority                    Immediately following
Bd of Trustees mtg
Council Chambers

NW Conservation District        7:00 PM
                                                              1185 New Litchfield St

SPECIAL Parks Commission        6:00 PM Armory


TUES    AUG 16   Inland Wetlands Commission     7:00 PM
                                                                                              Council Chambers


WED     AUG 17  Board of Education      7:00 PM
                                                                                              T.H.S. Library


THURS   AUG 18    Mayor’s Committee on Youth    6:00 PM
                                                                                              Council Chambers


FRI     AUG 19  
